EChO Winter Chores

October 28 - EChO

Earlier this year we partnered with EChO to open the community garden plots EChO uses to provide fresh vegetables for their food bank. This month, we helped them shut down the garden for the winter. We also chopped wood for our neighbors who otherwise would not be able to heat their homes in the upcoming months and other chores.

This is becoming an annual activity, check out last year.

About EChO - The mission of Evergreen Christian Outreach is to provide assistance to residents of the Evergreen mountain communities who are unemployed, under-employed, dealing with a long term illness, or experiencing other forms of personal crisis.  In order to meet that mission, EChO has a number of programs including a food bank.  The local community garden has donated two plots to the food bank in order to provide fresh produce, and we helped get those two plots ready for spring planting.